
A snack is provided in the middle of the morning from a selection of fruits, biscuits and crackers, and milk or water. Lunch is a nutritious hot meal cooked on site by Holroyd Howe. You will be asked to tell us of any allergies, before your child starts. We promote healthy eating and gently encourage children to try all the food that is on offer.

A delicious variety of food is on offer, including salad from a salad bar, bread, and bite-size chunks of pineapple and watermelon. We help the children to cut up their food and to remember their table manners.

Healthy and Delicious Meals

It’s important to know how to create meals that taste good and are also full of nutrients. Children love delicious and mostly simple meals. For example, pasta provides a good source of energy and is a perfect base for sneaking in healthy ingredients like spinach or kale.

Eating Together

Children enjoy eating together and appreciate a variety of delicious meals at Eaton House Schools. They learn good table manners and not to rush a meal, and are given enough time to enjoy their lunch together with friends.

Afternoon Snacks

An essential part of a growing child’s diet is a nutritious mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack at school. And snacks always taste better when you can enjoy and share them with your friends.

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