Eaton House The Manor Nursery is a spacious, bright, modern, purpose-built building which is alive with boys and girls who are happy, independent and curious learners.
Pastoral care is extremely strong and “the youngest children in the Nursery have a natural willingness to work collaboratively”- ISI 2022. Each child is supported and encouraged, quickly gaining independence and confidence and soaring past their educational milestones.
As we are non-selective at entry, interest is keen and early application is advised, with registration accepted from birth. Boys almost always automatically transition to our renowned Pre-Prep School in an adjacent modern building and on to the Prep School in a beautiful Georgian house on our 1.5-acre site. In 2020, the Prep School achieved a record number of scholarships and awards to top schools. Girls can join our wonderful Eaton House The Manor Girls’ School at 4, where 11 pupils gained scholarships to senior school this year.
Every day is new and exciting, and The Manor Nursery is a hive of constant activity. Every child is challenged at their own level and the staff take a ‘sky is the limit’ view of learning development. Individual and small group work allows us to constantly differentiate between pupils, so that every child is encouraged at his or her own pace.
There are many activities on offer, from sports and swimming, to IT, drama and design. Our Cubs (the younger children) and Bears are excited and curious to learn through being exposed to a variety of experiences, from cooking and yoga to pottery and languages.
In our playground, which is directly accessible from the classrooms via huge sliding doors, there are bright and colourful concentric circles, outsize wooden blocks to develop fine and motor skills, sand and water play, and a wonderful ‘house’ to play in. Inside the beautifully appointed nursery rooms, there is a huge range of the latest educational toys, dressing-up and mini-home areas (complete with Henry the Hoover in miniature!), quiet reading tents, and much more.
Family Environment
We have a sibling policy which allows us to see whole families start and end their educational journey with us at Eaton House The Manor. We pride ourselves on the family environment we create and nurture for all our families over the years they are with us and love seeing our children grow from these first little steps to becoming thirteen-year-old Prep leavers who have achieved so many wonderful things.
In the Nursery, children join us from age 2. Every child gets the individual time and attention they require to thrive and we ensure a good spread of birth dates across the classes. From the purpose-built theatre to the sports hall and gym spaces, the children at Eaton House The Manor Nursery have a truly amazing start to their learning journey.
Our wonderful headmistress and head of early years at Eaton House Schools, Mrs Roosha Sue, who is known to so many Clapham Common families as ‘Miss Roosha’, wants every child to settle in and be treated as unique, with the emphasis on exceptional and caring pastoral care at all times.
Parental involvement is welcomed, and parents and carers enjoy a nice moment at drop-off and pick-up where they can chat to the staff about how the session has gone. They also love coming to the little productions that the Nursery puts on, especially the Nativity which, to the great excitement of the children, is held in the big boys’ theatre!
We aim to create a magical, inspiring and happy start to school life. We work together with parents to ensure that all the children leave us school ready, confident and eager to continue on their learning journey.