Posted: 13th March 2019

girl with a fireman

The Eaton House The Manor Nursery children were so excited to be visited by firefighters from Clapham Fire Station, along with their shiny red fire engine. They had a chance to sit in the cab, see inside the engine, and even spray the hose for themselves, soaking the front courtyard completely. We now know that they are very thorough when it comes to spraying water around (!)

The firefighters were impressed that even our smallest girls and boys knew to call 999 if they saw a fire and there were lots of questions about the boots, helmets and tall ladders that the London Fire Brigade use to keep us safe. The Nursery children did us proud with their interest level and intelligence.

Everyone had a fun morning, got a chance to try something new and made their way back to class with a spring in their step.

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